5G-TACTIC focuses on 5G networks Cybersecurity and Trust and brings together National Regulation Authorities from 3 EU Members States and Cybersecurity Authorities from 3 Member States, technology innovating European SMEs developing Open 5G solutions and security services, infrastructure providers & mobile network operators. These will collaborate with research & academic institutes to develop secure, open, disaggregated & interoperable 5G solutions to support an open & competitive 5G European ecosystem. 
5GTACTIC technical activities include: development of a 5G Cybersecurity toolbox, extensive security analysis, evaluation, testing and relevant mitigation measures for the 5G solution. The planned activities also involve piloting, integration and evaluation of multivendor open 5G solutions considering security aspects. In addition, the project will carry out training activities addressing technical and security audiences as well as European Regulator and Cybersecurity Authorities.
🌐 5G-TACTIC Project: Successful 4th General Assembly Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus! 🎉

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the 4th (2nd physical) 5G-TACTIC General [...]

🚀 Exciting News from IEEE CAMAD 2024! 🚀

We are proud to have presented our paper titled "5G Trusted and Secure Network Deployments [...]

Kick-off Meeting

The recent kick-off meeting (19-20 December 2023) at Kostis Palamas building in Athens for 5G-TACTIC [...]